I figured out why I got so easily burned out from the All, New, and NOAH reports both times I tried to follow a schedule. While the main cards of Japanese cards are always worth the watch, the undercards were murder trying to review. And not every match needs a starred review, hell not every match needs a Starred review. So I hope to condense the reports I have down to a monthly format, focusing my review efforts on Title matches, and matches of extreme significance or unexpected quality. Hopefully that allows me to stay in the game much longer.
The "New Japan Alliance"
With the birth of the Honor Club either imminent or past by the time you read this, and with Rev Pro's streaming service available, there's all new backlogs of material to watch when I can. I hope I can use the Emporium to spread the good shows to people with subscriptions, or convince people on the fence into getting the subscription services.
Weekly Show Recaps
I'm gonna be honest, I'm jumping on the Impact bandwagon with this one. With new powers that be, there's a chance that Impact may turn around for the better, and I wanna be a guy that chronicles their success, or ultimate and final failure. Along with that, to tie into the Alliance idea, I want to watch Ring of Honor's TV as well, and maybe maybe watch CMLL Friday Nights. While I don't really understand Lucha, I can probably set myself to learn it, and from what I've seen so far it looks really fun to watch despite being a culture shock.
The Bookshelf
I have a shit ton of Wrestling autobiographies and historical revues. They're just sitting on my shelf begging to be read, and it'd be a great excuse to read them if I was reviewing them for the Emporium. I don't expect this one to happen anytime soon, or to be very popular, but I want to give it a go.
And that's it. Thanks for sticking around as long as you have for the return customers. For the new people, I hope you'll join me next time I post.
Oh, and Support Indy wrestling. Not just ROH, PWG, or the megashow type promotions. Support the VFW/High School promotions, the new guys looking to make something of themselves, the people selling shirts and tchotchkes from their cars. Just support wrestling.